Pray Your Way Out of the Holiday Blues
As the world sings, “O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant,” tragedy can suddenly zap away our joy. Loved ones can pass away, and lives can be turned upside down.
As the world sings, “O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant,” tragedy can suddenly zap away our joy. Loved ones can pass away, and lives can be turned upside down.
Imagine Christmas without a woman’s touch—no Mary to bring our Savior into the world. It’s impossible because it was God’s divine plan to bypass the seed of man and bring the Son of God into the world through a woman.
I was snuggled deep in the covers when my eyes popped open and I heard the still, small voice of the Lord whisper to my heart. "It’s time to pray for the hurting children."
Have you ever bruised your heart by tripping on a relationship? Maybe your best friend stopped speaking to you, your boss spewed his bad attitude all over your work, or the kids tried to wake you to ‘woke,’ and because you said, ‘no,’ in love, you must deal with the fallout. These things shouldn’t happen, not when you have God’s Holy Spirit inside of you, right?
Today the world is steeped in darkness, filled with stumbling blocks of sin, trouble, and confusion. In times like these, we need to make sure we become like living flashlights, meaning that the light of God's presence is shining in and through us. Romans 12:11 can be summed up this way: Never let the fire in your heart go out. Keep it alive. Serve the Lord.
Are you dreading holiday get-togethers because of conflict that you know might happen between relatives or friends? Pray this Prayer.
Linda Evans Shepherd I was furious. “They want to do what? Take another MRI of Laura’s brain?! No! I won’t allow it.” Nurse Sharon was patient with me. “You don’t…
Linda Evans Shepherd Is it possible to rise above circumstances you can’t change? It is when you serve a God Whose Kingdom is not subject to the cares of this…
by Linda Evans Shepherd in Leading Hearts magazine I love to send prayers into my multiple social media accounts so that my friends can pray along with me. My prayers…
You know these answers by heart: sickness, death, losing a loved one, job loss, not being able to pay bills or rent, having to work from home while homeschooling kids, or horrors — not being able to buy toilet paper!
All of this sounds pretty drastic, and yet, suddenly, very familiar. Yes, these are hard, unexpected times, and we never saw it coming.