Shine The Light

Today the world is steeped in darkness, filled with stumbling blocks of sin, trouble, and confusion. In times like these, we need to make sure we become like living flashlights, meaning that the light of God's presence is shining in and through us. Romans 12:11 can be summed up this way: Never let the fire in your heart go out. Keep it alive. Serve the Lord.

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Time to Send Up a Panic Prayer?

by Linda Evans Shepherd in Leading Hearts Magazine

Considering that the world is in the panic of a pandemic, I’m want to share a prayer initially intended for a book called Praying Through Your Every Emotion, soon to release from Baker Revell. This book will be a dictionary of emotions complete with a mini-Bible study and accompanied by a paraphrased prayer to correspond with each of the 64 emotions I cover inside the book.

Here’s one I can share with you now, a prayer about the emotion ‘PANIC.’


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