The Power of Letting Go—A Prayer of Release: From Divorce to Following God’s Call

Tracy Hester A few years ago, I went through a bitter divorce. As a woman in ministry, I didn’t know how to effectively deal with the emotional outflow—rejection, abandonment, betrayal,…

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Praying Into the Vision

by Linda Evans Shepherd in Leading Hearts Magazine

WHAT’S THE CRAZIEST THING YOU’VE EVER DONE TO FOLLOW AFTER GOD? Was it to raise your kids, teach the teenage class at church or read your Bible through in a year? All good pursuits, but have you ever dared to leave your comfort zone behind and dive headfirst into the unknown because you felt God put an idea before you?

When I was a young Christian, I made up my mind to always say yes to God.

Yes, I will serve you. Yes, I will go where you send me.

In those days I thought God was sending me to seminary to study how to become a youth director. So, after I was accepted into a fine seminary, I never dreamed I would face a roadblock.

When the seminary president wrote me, “Because you married an engineer and not one of our pastoral students, we are canceling your seminary enrollment.”


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My Mentor Loved the Word Impossible

By LINDA EVANS SHEPHERD in Leading Hearts Magazine

I FOUND MY MENTOR IN A DARK COLOSSEUM when a young woman sat on a stool, inside a bright spotlight. In a voice that sounded like a child in song she said, “Hi, I’m Ann. I am one simple woman in the world. I have never shaken hands with the president. I cry. Sometimes I am insecure. I am only one, but I have come tonight to tell you I am one … and Jesus and I and love are out to change the world.”

In those days, I was a young college student, totally in love with Jesus, and I had never heard anyone articulate my heart the way Ann Kiemel (Anderson) did. She spoke of love and simple acts of kindness, and how she and our big God could change the world. I followed her example with my own acts of love and kindness.

I learned that everything Ann said about living life sold out to the Lord was true. It was true for me. Through Christ, nothing was impossible.


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Do You Need Refreshment? Pray this Prayer!

By Linda Evans Shepherd in Leading Hearts Magazine

IT’S A NEW DAY, A FRESH SEASON. THE AIR HERE IN COLORADO IS SWEET AFTER DAYS OF RAIN. The grass is green and the crabapple tree in my backyard is filled with fluffy, pink blossoms.

After a deep season of sorrow upon losing my precious daughter Laura, I am feeling a new sweetness in my spirit. I’m letting go of grudges and pain, and joy is overtaking my fog of grief.

Can the human spirit really find this kind of refreshing? Yes, but only when we refuel by the power of God.


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