by Linda Evans Shepherd in Leading Hearts Magazine

Considering that the world is in the panic of a pandemic, I’m want to share a prayer initially intended for a book called Praying Through Your Every Emotion, soon to release from Baker Revell. This book will be a dictionary of emotions complete with a mini-Bible study and accompanied by a paraphrased prayer to correspond with each of the 64 emotions I cover inside the book.
Here’s one I can share with you now, a prayer about the emotion ‘PANIC.’
We’ll start by reading my mini-bible study:
For God will never give you the spirit of fear, but the Holy Spirit who gives you mighty power, love, and self-control. —2 Timothy 1:7 (TPT)
I will never leave you alone, never! And I will not loosen my grip on your life! —Hebrews 13:5 (TPT)
When you pass through the deep, stormy sea, you can count on me to be there with you. When you pass through raging rivers. You will not drown.When you walk through persecution like fiery flames, you will not be burned; the flames will not harm you. —Isaiah 43:2 (TPT)
Because of the Lord’s great love, we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. —Lamentations 3:22–23 (NIV)
Now I’m sure of this: the sufferings we endure now are not even worth comparing to the glory that is coming and will be revealed in us.—Romans 8:18 (VOICE)
Now for prayer zeroed in on these Scriptures:
Dear Lord,
Panic never comes from You because You are gentle, and You know how to give me peace. Your Holy Spirit gives me peace of mind and self-control and touches my troubled heart. I receive Your mighty power so I can experience your peace.
You have also promised that I am never alone, and that means I don’t have to face my fears without You by my side.
So instead of letting my mind spin, searching for solutions that won’t come, I ask You to bring the solutions I need. I trust that You will. Knowing I can trust You for answers makes it easier for me to calm down.
Think of it! You’ve got my problems and issues covered!
You are always with me. You will never loosen Your grip on my life. When I pass through stormy seas, I can count on You to be there with me. When I pass through raging rivers, You will not let me drown. When I walk through persecution like fiery flames, You will not let the flames burn or harm me.
Because of Your great love, I am not destroyed. Your compassion for me never ends. It’s fresh every morning because You are so faithful.
The sufferings I endure are not even worth comparing to Your coming glory, which You will soon reveal.
In the name of Jesus, amen.