Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner plus Easy Recipe for Chicken Spaghetti

by Penelope Carlevato @teatimepen in Leading Hearts magazine

Everything was ready for our family Christmas dinner. The dining room table was set, the roast in the oven and the Christmas tree lights twinkling in the living room. Everyone was to arrive in a few minutes. Then my cell phone chimed — a new text. The message was from my crazy uncle who was on his way. He wasn’t invited, because he always caused problems. What should I do? Set another place?


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Chanukah Dreidels and Christmas Dirt Plus Recipe for Traditional Chanukah Donuts

By Amber Weigand-Buckley  @barefacedgirl in Leading Hearts Magazine


It was the third day of Chanukah and I was in Israel for the very first time standing in the city of Nazareth. We had made our way past the shopkeepers and traffic lined streets to the Church of the Annunciation, which sits in the side of the hill of the city. The church was supposedly built on the spot where Mary was visited by the angel announcing her as the highly favored woman to give birth to Jesus Christ.

“Emmanuel: God with us.” In that spot, I understood the power in that statement—the power in that name.

Under the church, you can see the excavated remains of the old city…


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Relative Insanity by Torry Martin Plus Recipe for Gluten Free Peanut Butter Cookies

by Torry Martin @torry_martin in Leading Hearts Magazine


I, however, am not most people. I prefer to do my shopping on Christmas Eve. I know that sounds very last minute of me, but why shop early when I know there’s a convenient truck stop on the way to my parents’ house where I can purchase all my gifts at once and for under $20?

It’s the only place I know where I can buy bobble-heads in bulk. The helpful truck stop store clerk will even have them bagged, I mean, “wrapped” separately while I’m waiting for my car to refuel.


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10 Things to Pray You through the Holidays plus BONUS Recipe for Southwest Breakfast Burritos

IS YOUR WORST HOLIDAY FEAR THE IDEA OF YOUR DINING TABLE FILLED WITH RELATIVES WHO ACT AS OPPOSING POLITICAL COMMENTATORS? Family get-togethers can be stressful enough, but with our culture fueled by hate, misunderstanding and inflammatory rhetoric, it can be downright nerve-wracking.
What will happen when your opinionated relatives sit down together? Instead of fretting over the worst-case scenarios, here are ten prayer strategies to help heal holiday hostilities.


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7 No-Fail Holiday Stress Hacks plus BONUS British Flapjack Recipe

By Michelle S. Cox @just18summers in Leading Hearts Magazine

The glossy magazine images, the Pinterest ideas and Facebook posts from friends sharing their gorgeous Christmas decor inspire me. 

My planning began. Why, before I was done, my house would look like North Pole Central! My family would have the perfect Christmas, and I would sail through those days with joy and delight.

I tried. Oh, how I tried. But I basically plodded my way through the Christmas season with unrealistic expectations in a fog of exhaustion.


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Don’t Cry if You’ve Just Spilled Your Hair Dye

by Rhonda Rhea @RhondaRhea in Leading Hearts Magazine

I doubt it’s any surprise that I’ve never been known for being low maintenance. Recently, though, I did at least shoot for being a little less of a budget drain. Like maybe a bit more “DIY” in a few areas. I confess, “do-it-yourself” is rather out of my wheelhouse. I’m a lot more comfortable as a “do-it-for-me” kind of gal. But I was willing to try. I decided to focus on the hair budget. No, not giving up the color. I’d dye first (pa-dum-ching).

I don’t think I’ll ever be so low maintenance that I’ll go colorless. But I thought, surely I could color it myself. What could go wrong?


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10 Easy Steps to Improve Your Social Media Network

When I teach social media, I encourage people to relax and not take on too much at once. So, let’s back up and start with the basics. Because social media can reach millions, it’s way too easy to think of it as mass marketing. In reality, it’s about one-on-one relationships. And that involves building a connected social media prescence.
Here are 10 Tips to Build Solid Social Media Relationships


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Stop Wasting Your Time and Start Using Your Gifts

As I look back, I realize that a driving force behind most of what I’ve done in my life has been the desire for significance—to do something with my gifts.
I admit that I want my life to count. I don’t want to just flow through this earthly existence from my birth date to the day I die and leave nothing behind except the dash on my tombstone to indicate that I was here.

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Mentoring Essentials to Maximize Your Life!

by Jayme Hull @JaymeHull in Leading Hearts Magazine

As a young professional in New York City, surrounded by stars and fashion, I often felt about two inches tall. Unseen by some, judged by others. Sure, I had a few friends, but I longed to find a woman who had been in my shoes and walking a few steps ahead of me. I knew I needed a mentor.

One Sunday, I mustered up the courage to talk with a pastor at Times Square who connected me with a mentor. Her warm eyes and inviting smile put me at ease the first time we met.


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Entertaining During the Holidays? 4 Hacks to Make it Hassle-Free


by Penelope Carlevato @teatimepen in Leading Hearts Magazine

As the holiday season gets closer and the decorations begin to find their way around our homes, our thoughts go to having family and friend get-togethers and dinners. For some, it is exciting and fun, but for many, the idea of opening our homes, decorating, and making larger meals brings fear and dread.

Why the big differences? All of us have personality traits in combinations and are variable and adjustable and can be brought into balance when we are faced with making decisions on how we will use our gifts.


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