Circle the Wagons

Rhonda Rhea Donuts
By Rhonda Rhea in Leading Hearts magazine


Someday I’d like to write a poem and I’d like to start it with the line, “Coffee and donuts, sittin’ in a tree.” I’m not sure where to go from there.

I get that far and all I know is that I want to be in that tree. I confess I’ve had a few too many donuts. Sad to say, the bough on that tree would be bending pretty low about now.

That’s why I decided to go on yet another diet recently. Also, sad to say, I’ve already fallen off the wagon. I’m thinking of putting up a sign that says,

“Please keep body inside the wagon at all times, and please stay seated until the wagon comes to a complete and final stop.”


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Want to Grow Great Fruit? Get Rid of These Inheritance Spoilers.

by Sharon Elliott in Leading Hearts Magazine

IF YOU’RE ANYTHING LIKE ME, ONE OF MY REASONS FOR BEING A CHRISTIAN IS GOING TO HEAVEN. Some years ago, the singer Evie sang a song with the lyric that said, “If heaven never was promised to me, neither God’s promise to live eternally, it’s been worth just having the Lord in my life.”

That’s true when I’m counting my blessings, but I have to be honest, heaven’s still a big part of the deal for me.

With that in mind, I take very seriously biblical warnings like that of Galatians 5:19-20 which lists the things that will hinder me from inheriting the kingdom of God. 


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Mentoring Essentials to Maximize Your Life!

by Jayme Hull @JaymeHull in Leading Hearts Magazine

As a young professional in New York City, surrounded by stars and fashion, I often felt about two inches tall. Unseen by some, judged by others. Sure, I had a few friends, but I longed to find a woman who had been in my shoes and walking a few steps ahead of me. I knew I needed a mentor.

One Sunday, I mustered up the courage to talk with a pastor at Times Square who connected me with a mentor. Her warm eyes and inviting smile put me at ease the first time we met.


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