Building Cornerstones for Tough Conversations By Joan C. Benson & Majorie Wingert 

When Joan C. Benson and Marjorie Wingert drove six hours together to a writers conference, neither predicted they would embark on a divinely orchestrated partnership. Together, Benson and Wingert bridge generations, cultures, and abilities to create children’s books addressing today’s most challenging topics.

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A New Year, A New Light

As we enter a new year, I must be honest: to me, it just feels heavy.  There’s a sinking feeling that’s been lingering in me these past few months, an urge to put the shutters up on life and keep out whatever the future may bring.  The uncertainty can feel overwhelming, and it’s tempting to shrink back, to withdraw into a place where things feel safer and more manageable. But even in these moments, I’m beginning to recognize something powerful: God has me here, even now, amid all this uncertainty.

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Christmas 2019 issue: Rise Up! It’s Your Time to Shine

“Those who are wise will shine like the bright expanse of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousnesslike the stars forever and ever.” —–Daniel 12:3

You may think of a million people more equipped than you to accomplish the call God has on your life, but God is calling you to RISE UP because It is Your Time to Shine!

Christmas Cover Girls Bethany Jett and Michelle Medlock Adams ( give us Platinum Faith perspective


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Get Refreshed with the Summer 2019 Issue of Leading Hearts!

Hit the refresh for our Summer 2019 issue of Leading Hearts and soak in all the goodness God has for your personally, relationally and in everything you do.

Cover Girl Pam Farrel is dishing up the Secrets to LOVING WELL from the heart of Philippians.

Alex Kendrick, co-writer, director and lead actor in Overcomer ( encourages us to find our identity in our Creator. And recording artist Tori Harper ( shares her heart for revival.

Leadership features will challenge you to be patient in the waiting, know when to say no, and make peace with the demands of work and life. You’ll find this plus much, much more in this edition of Leading Hearts Magazine. Text LEADINGHEARTS to 64600 to get this issue delivered free to your mobile device.

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Is God Waiting On You?

by Amber Weigand-Buckley @barefacedgirl, editor of Leading Hearts Magazine

The funny thing about leadership is that it takes far less faith to TALK about your CALL than it does to WALK OUT your CALL. Why?

Because you have to put feet to your faith before you can allow God to SHOW UP and perform the MIRACULOUS.

Joshua and the Israelite priests leading their people into the Promise Land knew that if they followed God’s direction, they were going to hit the Jordan River (Joshua 1:1-9). It didn’t take a genius to realize that when they hit the water, they didn’t have the necessary provisions — no boats or life jackets.

All they had was the faith that when they got there, God would show up — and He did.


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Chanukah Dreidels and Christmas Dirt Plus Recipe for Traditional Chanukah Donuts

By Amber Weigand-Buckley  @barefacedgirl in Leading Hearts Magazine


It was the third day of Chanukah and I was in Israel for the very first time standing in the city of Nazareth. We had made our way past the shopkeepers and traffic lined streets to the Church of the Annunciation, which sits in the side of the hill of the city. The church was supposedly built on the spot where Mary was visited by the angel announcing her as the highly favored woman to give birth to Jesus Christ.

“Emmanuel: God with us.” In that spot, I understood the power in that statement—the power in that name.

Under the church, you can see the excavated remains of the old city…


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