I don’t know about you, but when it comes to believing God for the Impossible, I have two big BUT problems.
The first is the big BUT of DOUBT. It diminishes God’s ability within the framework of God’s request. It can keep you from moving in any direction.
The worst, though, is the BUT of “I’VE GOTTA FIGURE THIS OUT.”
That can really get me butting heads with God. Why? Because I’m always trying to help God out.
“I can take the guesswork out of your miracle, God, by troubleshooting the solution.”
I have a feeling that’s what was going through the mind of Abraham’s wife, Sarah when God told them that they were going to have a son.
Sarah: “I’m way past childbearing years. I see what You’re doing here, God. You gave me a maidservant as a stand-in to give Abraham a son.” Wrong answer.
So, when Sarah eventually got pregnant, she realized her BUT (“I’VE GOTTA FIGURE THIS OUT”) caused her a whole lot of tired, frustrated hurt. On top of that, it was responsible for creating a division that continues to plague us to this very day.
And you know what, that mentality has left me tired, frustrated and, at times, in a whole load of hurt.
So, what’s the difference between having faith in the reality of who God is and having faith in the reality of who God has equipped you to be?
God is not relying on the sweat of your brow or your strategizing expertise.
Faith is stepping out in something that is doomed to failure unless He steps in. It’s letting go of the reigns and realizing that you walk step by step in obedience. Sometimes we don’t figure it out until we are ten miles down the road and look back to say, “Look at all the marvelous things the Lord has done.”
Has God called you, and you’re still trying to figure out “to what?” Is God trying to walk you toward an impossible faith, and you can’t see the next stone in your path? Trust. Stand. Step. Move. And if the Path shifts, walk confidently toward His love that never fails.
God is faithful. HE IS NOT going to trip you up.
But your BUTS can get in the way and make walking forward all the more difficult.
Today, I would encourage you to think about all the impossible things God has led you through and what more impossible things God is leading you to — all for HIS Glory.
In all the blank space in between, rest in the assurance that it’s HIS PLANS and PROVISION that fill in the blanks.
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