A Woman’s Touch

By Linda Evans Shepherd

Linda Evans Shepherd http://www.LINDASHEPHERD.COM

Imagine Christmas without a woman’s touch—no Mary to bring our Savior into the world. 

It’s impossible because it was God’s divine plan to bypass the seed of man and bring the Son of God into the world through a woman.

It was Mary, weary and heavy with child, who traveled by donkey to the little town of Bethlehem. There, in a lowly stable, she gave birth to the Son of God.

It was Mary who held her newborn baby as startled shepherds arrived to tell her how heavenly angels had appeared in the sky, rejoicing over the birth of her Son. 

Even today, women share the Christmas story with their children.

Mothers and grandmothers pass down the wonder of that holy night, sharing the good news of the Messiah who brought light into the world. Whether it’s reading Luke 2 by the light of the Christmas tree, baking star-shaped cookies to symbolize the Star of Bethlehem, or singing “O Holy Night” as the kids gather around the fireplace, women bring the story of Jesus into their homes.

When we face the stresses of the season, we can find joy in knowing that God helps us fulfill our sacred calling—the opportunity to share His good news with our friends and families. 

Mary reminds us that even when the path is difficult and unexpected, God’s plan is perfect. 

Though she was a virgin, she faced the scandal of being an unwed mother, yet she trusted the Lord’s promise. Her obedience brought Jesus, the Light of the World, to all of us. Today, that same promise of Emmanuel—God with us—lives on in every woman who opens her heart to share His story.

So, whether you are a mother, grandmother, sister, daughter, or friend, know that your love and faithfulness matter. You are the keepers of tradition, the bearers of joy, and the nurturers of faith. 

You reflect the heart of Mary, and through you, the light of Christ shines brightly in the world. 

As we enter this season of celebration, don’t forget to share the greatest gift: the story of Jesus. Tell it with love, share it with joy, and wrap it in the beauty of your faith.

Merry Christmas, dear sisters in Christ! May this issue of Leading Hearts inspire and uplift you as we celebrate the Savior’s birth.

Welcome to our holiday edition, and may your heart be filled with peace, hope, and the wonder of His love. 

To order a print copy of this issue go to https://leadinghearts.com/printmagazine 

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