THERE WAS A TIME IN MY LIFE WHEN I EXPECTED GOD TO MOVE ON MY BEHALF SIMPLY BECAUSE I BELONGED TO HIM.So when difficulties and hardships became my companion, I have to admit that my feelings were hurt.
But truth be told, the number one reason I couldn’t get past my difficulties was that of my own prayerlessness. I just wasn’t sure how to bring my problems to God. After all, it didn’t seem as though it was my place to command God. That seemed like witchcraft. And begging God seemed wrong too; especially as God already knew my troubles.
It was a horrible car accident that put my baby into a coma that moved me to search the secrets of prayer. My search helped me to reach out to God and watch in amazement as God reached back to me.
Not only did my daughter wake up from her yearlong coma, but I also discovered the sweetness of God’s presence as I finally learned how to pray.