Leaders, Are You Tired of the “New Normal”?
Many women’s ministry directors in churches across America read this column. They have written to me to talk about their ministry situations. Many asked what to do about the limits of the pandemic.
Many women’s ministry directors in churches across America read this column. They have written to me to talk about their ministry situations. Many asked what to do about the limits of the pandemic.
I never imagined that within a year my concept of church would be torn down and rebuilt.
by Karen Porter for Leading Hearts I love peanut butter. The kind that makes a quick sandwich into an ooey, gooey delight. I also like this creamy childhood favorite on…
All of the busyness helps keep us mentally engaged and helps combat some of the emotions that arise during the year. Dr Saundra Dalton-Smith | ichoosemybestlife.com in Leading Hearts magazine…
WATCHING THE NEWS FLASHES OF MEDICAL PERSONNEL (AND MY NURSE FRIENDS) DRESSED IN BUBBLE HELMETS AND PROTECTIVE GEAR, I remember many times in my nursing career when I had to gown, glove and mask before entering a patient’s room.
You know these answers by heart: sickness, death, losing a loved one, job loss, not being able to pay bills or rent, having to work from home while homeschooling kids, or horrors — not being able to buy toilet paper!
All of this sounds pretty drastic, and yet, suddenly, very familiar. Yes, these are hard, unexpected times, and we never saw it coming.
by Linda Evans Shepherd in Leading Hearts Magazine
Considering that the world is in the panic of a pandemic, I’m want to share a prayer initially intended for a book called Praying Through Your Every Emotion, soon to release from Baker Revell. This book will be a dictionary of emotions complete with a mini-Bible study and accompanied by a paraphrased prayer to correspond with each of the 64 emotions I cover inside the book.
Here’s one I can share with you now, a prayer about the emotion ‘PANIC.’