Born in India, Sioni immigrated to Costa Rica when she was five years old.
Raised in poverty by alcoholic parents, she suffered harsh and frequent physical abuse, but it didn’t compare to the horrors of the sexual abuse that started after toddlerhood.
Today the world is steeped in darkness, filled with stumbling blocks of sin, trouble, and confusion. In times like these, we need to make sure we become like living flashlights, meaning that the light of God's presence is shining in and through us. Romans 12:11 can be summed up this way:
Never let the fire in your heart go out. Keep it alive. Serve the Lord.
I AM LIKE A PRAYER INVESTIGATOR. I HAD TO BE BECAUSE I HAD A MOUNTAIN TO MOVE. After a violent car crash put my 18-month-old baby into a coma, I needed to know what it would take to touch my daughter through the power of prayer. Since that fateful day, I’ve made it my mission to understand prayer. I’ve spent hours scouring the Word to discover and understand the prayer secrets it contains, and most importantly, I’ve prayed. I’ve battled. I’ve contended. I’ve sought God. I’ve claimed promises, and I’ve prayed through roadblocks.
I’ve experienced breakthroughs and felt the heartache when God says no. I’ve worked with prayer teams and prayer partners, fought the enemy and prayed with countless people. And yes! I have seen God move. I have seen God answer prayer.
In my new book, When You Need to Move a Mountain, I share what I’ve learned to help readers not only become a person of prayer, but a person who can use prayer to reverse the works of the enemy, to save lives, to be blessed with provision and to flow into God’s best for their lives.
Around this time every year, I start reflecting on how my life is progressing. I wish I could say I’m always pleased with my self-evaluation.
Too often, I find myself utterly amazed at my ability to doubt, fear and regret. Instead of seeing the fruit I desire, I notice too much precious time spent striving and not enough time spent thriving. Too many moments focused on fighting back negative thoughts and too little spent on cultivating the truth.
The truth is timeless, but the time we spend outside of it has a profound effect on how deep our roots grow and how high we can reach. It doesn’t change. The truth remains stable throughout our ups and downs.