Have you ever wondered about the DNA in every food you eat?

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is within every living organism in God’s creation. It is in the body, plants, animals, and, yes, the food served on the table. I mean, REAL food like your fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, and bread. So what is the importance of understanding food’s DNA?
God designed DNA to self-replicate. With this genetic code, humans reproduce humans, animals reproduce animals, and plants reproduce plants. What’s fascinating is that DNA was once thought to be a spiral ladder of Junk DNA (yes, that is the scientific term), but it’s now realized to be far more complex.
DNA reveals God’s masterpiece.
Disbelieving scientists today are having a harder time denying the perfect design by an intelligent creator. Within Scriptures, we know that God had a master plan for His perfect creation. God created, and it was good. Today, though, I want to focus on food DNA, which helps us to see just how perfect God’s design really is.
For years, decades really, humans have been working studiously to understand microscopically the DNA of food. You see, there’s a whole process that comes with understanding the DNA: decipher the DNA, alter the DNA, control the crops, control the food, control the people. Deciphering the DNA leads to genetically modifying the organism (GMO).
In 2002, scientists decoded the genome (genetic material— DNA) of rice. In 2008 they completed the genome of soybeans. In 2009, they mapped the maize (corn) genome. This led to GMO foods being introduced to the public without their knowledge of possible health consequences. Then it was time for wheat. Wheat studies were complicated and the answers evasive. Wheat is an important crop, both biblically and politically. Politically, scientists will say that wheat is arguably the most critical crop in the world.
Wheat provides humanity with a fifth of our calories. It is in bread, pastry, cereals, candy, oils, and pasta.

Jesus used the symbolism of bread (created by wheat) as a correlation of our fulfillment in Him. Biblically, wheat is the very essence of who Jesus is.
“I am the living bread that came down out of heaven; if anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread also which I will give for the life of the world is My flesh” (John 6:51 NASB1995).
“Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst’” (John 6:35 NASB1995).
“I am the bread of life” (John 6:48 NASB1995).
Why did our Lord say He is the Bread of Life? Most importantly, what exactly does this statement mean? A beautiful message is found in the DNA.
While the genome of Arabidopsis—the first plant to be sequenced—contains 135 million DNA letters, and the human genome contains 3 billion, wheat has 16 billion.
Yes, you read that correctly, 16 billion. There is more genome in wheat than in people. Just one of wheat’s chromosomes— 3B—is bigger than the entire soybean genome. Scientists have wanted control over wheat since DNA and GMO first surfaced.
To make things more incredible as a Bible believer, the wheat genome is really three completely different genomes in one. In science lingo, that’s a hexaploid genome. In simpler terms, it’s a revelation of the One who creates.
Jesus is the Bread of Life, and in Him we see the Father and the Holy Spirit. The complexity of this discovery is why wheat has not been able to be modified until recently. Praise the Lord! God reveals to us His intricacies in the bread of life.
Now, that should delight your taste for delicious bread.
To read more about the intricacies of God’s design in His foods, check out Annette’s book, 7 Foods of the Promised Land, published by Bold Vision Books.
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