Spic & Span Planner Hacks with Bethany Jett
Bethany Jett | bethanyjett.com An often-overlooked item in the spring cleaning to-do list is the calendar. Whether you’re a virtual planner or paper fanatic, spring is the perfect time to…
Bethany Jett | bethanyjett.com An often-overlooked item in the spring cleaning to-do list is the calendar. Whether you’re a virtual planner or paper fanatic, spring is the perfect time to…
“Those who are wise will shine like the bright expanse of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.” —–Daniel 12:3
You may think of a million people more equipped than you to accomplish the call God has on your life, but God is calling you to RISE UP because It is Your Time to Shine!