Available Now—Leading Hearts February 2020 Issue—God’s Got a Word for YOU!

What word has God been laying on your heart over and over this year? Is He prompting you to step out in faith, abide in His peace, trust Him for answers, maybe He needs you to focus on rest.

For this issue of Leading Hearts, we are tuning into those words so that you might better open your ears and heart to the message He wants you to hear.

You’ll also receive insight from conflict expert Janell Rardon on how to deal with the sting of relational conflict, 5 ways to boost your confidence with Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith and Heartie Michelle S. Cox’s When God Calls the Heart to Perseverance perspective.

Cover Girl Cynthia L. Simmons Shares how she is using history to share His Message of Love and the Curriculum Companion to her novel, Pursing Gold. Teachers, Parents and Homeschoolers, you’ll want to check this out!


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Christmas 2019 issue: Rise Up! It’s Your Time to Shine

“Those who are wise will shine like the bright expanse of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousnesslike the stars forever and ever.” —–Daniel 12:3

You may think of a million people more equipped than you to accomplish the call God has on your life, but God is calling you to RISE UP because It is Your Time to Shine!

Christmas Cover Girls Bethany Jett and Michelle Medlock Adams (bethanyandmichelle.com) give us Platinum Faith perspective


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New ISSUE—Learn to Lead with Impossible Faith!

Learn to lead with IMPOSSIBLE FAITH! The October/November issue of Leading Hearts features incredible stories of women pursuing the bigger-than-life call that God has on their life and the faith that keeps them moving forward every day!

Karen Whiting is Reaching Families Called to Serve, Tanya J. Miller is helping us Walk the Path of Impossibilities, music artist Hollyn shares hard lessons learned in love gone wrong.

The reality of God’s provision, dealing with unseen results of working for the Kingdom plus practical tips to avoid internet brain drain. ALSO, BRAND NEW Debut for this ISSUE!!! Leading Lady Life Hacks from red carpet style-insiders Shae Wilbur celebrity commentator and Sharon Oliver, publisher of CEO Life & Style Magazine. 


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Leading Hearts New ISSUE! Learn to Live & Lead Above the Chaos

From women just like YOU! The Leading Hearts September 2019 issue is here and the spotlight is on the Ladies of the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association (awsa.com)!

Guest editor Edie Melson shares how to stay “unruffled” in the midst of ministry. Janell Rardon helps reframe those God-sized dreams. Publisher Linda Evans Shepherd challenges us to mountain-moving prayer. And read a special tribute from our AWSA sister, best selling author Jennifer Kennedy Dean.

Others challenge embracing health and healing after loss, and detoxifying your religious spirit. Michael W. Smith celebrates 35 years of ministry plus much, much more in this edition of Leading Hearts Magazine. 

If you are a Christian Woman Communicator find out more about joining AWSA at applyawsa.com. Get more highlights from this year’s conference at awsa.com.

Text LEADINGHEARTS to 64600 to get this issue delivered free to your mobile device.

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Read more about the article Get Refreshed with the Summer 2019 Issue of Leading Hearts!
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Get Refreshed with the Summer 2019 Issue of Leading Hearts!

Hit the refresh for our Summer 2019 issue of Leading Hearts and soak in all the goodness God has for your personally, relationally and in everything you do.

Cover Girl Pam Farrel is dishing up the Secrets to LOVING WELL from the heart of Philippians.

Alex Kendrick, co-writer, director and lead actor in Overcomer (overcomermovie.com) encourages us to find our identity in our Creator. And recording artist Tori Harper (toriharper.com) shares her heart for revival.

Leadership features will challenge you to be patient in the waiting, know when to say no, and make peace with the demands of work and life. You’ll find this plus much, much more in this edition of Leading Hearts Magazine. Text LEADINGHEARTS to 64600 to get this issue delivered free to your mobile device.

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Read more about the article Words to Inspire You to Spring Forward in the April/May Edition of Leading Hearts.
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Words to Inspire You to Spring Forward in the April/May Edition of Leading Hearts.

Get this issue delivered Free to your mobile device, text LEADINGHEARTS to 64600.

We are celebrating the Words that Inspire You to Spring Forward in your Leadership Call in the April/May edition of Leading Hearts. Rhonda Rhea and Beth Duewel will help you RECLAIM Happy (fix-her-upper.com), the “Breakthrough” Movie (breakthroughmovie.com) will inspire YOU to embrace the God of Miracles, and music artist PLUMB (plumbmusic.net) shares her journey to understanding the beauty in brokenness.

You won’t want to miss leadership building articles to help give you perspective on caring for the caregivers in your church and life. Also, get expert tips for releasing your inner creative space, maximizing your online ministry and embracing the rest you need to lead effectively.  You’ll find this plus much, much more in this edition of Leading Hearts Magazine. Text LEADINGHEARTS to 64600 to get this issue delivered free to your mobile device

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The NEW ISSUU “Story Mode” Below easy-to-read display is available for every article exclusively on your Mobile Device.


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