Why Writers Cannot Ignore the World Around Them

by DiAnn Mills | diannmills.com

We writers find it far too easy to ignore the world around us. Let’s face it. We get so immersed in our writing projects that nothing else matters. Our minds focus on the words spilling, or not spilling, onto the page.

Writers genuinely care about others, but working in cave mode keeps us on task and meeting deadlines. A quiet place with our laptop is much more appealing than noisy crowds.

I understand the writing preference because I’m often right there with you. Please don’t bother me; I’m busy. Working alone is admirable, but there’s a flip side to a writer’s life that we should all acknowledge.

We can’t address our readers’ needs when we neglect the world around us. Our readers wait expectantly for our fiction and nonfiction projects. Whether we are entertaining them with a story or providing information, we are responsible for keeping current on the world we share.

Let’s explore seven areas of writing to prove my point.

1. Nonfiction writing is about actual events, people, places, history, and various sciences. They can be books, articles, textbooks, devotions, or commentaries. Every topic has an insightful application for today.

If a writer doesn’t know what others are experiencing, their information might miss the mark. Physical, mental, and spiritual challenges motivate the reader to find answers.

2. Fiction is about a character’s or characters’ journey to solve a problem or reach a goal. A writer creates fully developed characters who resemble reality to the reader. Wants, needs, victories, flaws, and life experiences mirror the reader.

If a writer isn’t interested in people’s issues and problems, how can they entertain, inspire, or encourage readers?

3. Blogs are focused on addressing specific needs within a specialized topic. They inform, teach, entertain, and raise awareness for those interested in various subjects.

If writers aren’t aware of their readers’ needs, how can they create a dynamic and engaging post? Survey your readers for topics that add value to their lives.

4. Devotions are spiritual aids resulting from an in-depth study of a Biblical passage. They can explain, teach, encourage, and even convict the reader in clear and concise language. The writer hopes readers will meditate on the devotion’s contents throughout the day.

Writers who have no idea what people face in their day-to-day lives might miss the best approach to resonate with readers spiritually. We want to speak to what’s happening in the world that shakes their faith.

5. Social media posts call attention to art, blogs, podcasts, images, videos, media information, and more. The center draws attention to the featured topic, enticing the reader to explore a topic further.

How can a social media post draw distinction if a writer foregoes what’s happening in their community, state, national, and world events?

6. Poetry uses words to express intense feelings and ideas about any subject. Writers use unique styles and rhythms to showcase the piece through descriptive language.

While writers might not find value in keeping informed of life and happenings, how can they fashion poetry others appreciate?

7. Biographies show us the life history of people who have accomplished something noteworthy. These people come from every walk of life with one distinction: they achieved leadership and success by battling the odds against them.

A writer who pens a biography must consider why this person would be interested. How can their challenges help or address a need today?

What are your thoughts? Are you ready to use your knowledge and expertise of the current world to help readers change and grow into insightful people?

DiAnn Mills is a bestselling author who believes her readers should expect an adventure. She is a storyteller and creates action-packed, suspense-filled novels to thrill readers. Her titles have appeared on the CBA and ECPA bestseller lists won two Christy Awards, and been finalists for the RITA, Daphne Du Maurier, Inspirational Readers’ Choice, and Carol award contests.

DiAnn is a founding board member of the American Christian Fiction Writers, Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, Mystery Writers of America, Sisters in Crime, and International Thriller Writers. DiAnn continues her passion for helping other writers be successful. She speaks to various groups and teaches writing workshops around the country.

Connect with DiAnn on her various social media platforms here: www.diannmills.com

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