Some days I struggle. I have self-doubt, and I ask myself: Am I qualified? Will anyone listen? Am I making a difference? Am I doing the will of God?
The devil loves when we question our purpose and when we question God’s directives. This is how he deceived Eve — “Surely you will not die.…” But God’s will and promises are based upon His love and His truth!
When I find myself doubting, I will try to remember the actions of the great women in the Bible when they faced loss, doubt, questions, and even failure to be obedient. Below is a list of biblical women who have inspired me.
When God requires something from me that I think is totally impossible or I think may cause me harm, I will sacrifice like Esther. (Esther 4:12-14.)
- When I feel my prayers are not being answered or heard, I will pray like Hannah. (1 Samuel 1:10-15).
- When I have doubts, I will continue in faith like Tamar (Genesis 38:1-30).
- When I find it is hard to believe something to be true, I will believe like Mary (Luke 1:26-38).
- When I think something could cause me harm but still needs to be done, I will be brave like Rahab (Joshua 2:3-6).
- When I feel I am not being heard, even though I believe God has called me to speak, I will be courageous and stand up and speak like Deborah (Judges 4:4-9).
- When I feel I should “do” instead of just “be,” I will act like Mary did, which pleased Jesus (Luke 10:38-42).
- When I am faced with my sins and don’t feel worthy, I will look up to Christ like Mary Magadalene (Luke 8:2; John 20:17-19).
Whenever the devil tries to steal what the Lord has promised me, I will cling on to the hope Jesus promises. Jesus’ hope is based on things we cannot see. It is not hope in what we already have. “
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Our future is to live with Him for all eternity. This is God’s perfect plan for us.
James says we are a mist: here today, gone tomorrow (see James 4:14). So, soon, you will have the promise of your hope and your future. But for today, recall the great women who faced all you are facing. Remember their actions, beliefs, and attitudes, and be an example for those you know now, and for those who will come after you.
Lee Ann Mancini ( is an award-winning children’s author, speaker, and member of the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association.