The 2020 Conference issue of Leading Hearts celebrates the 20th anniversary of the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association. In the midst of pandemics and dreams on hold, Charlene Quint reminds us that God is using even the most turbulent times to prepare you for something greater in your life and ministry.
What is He preparing you for? And how are you moving toward your purpose even when things are on pause in your day-to-day?
A prayer to overcome feelings of defeat, Racial Healing: Key items for every leaders agenda, Arise & Lead and Mentoring essentials to moving forward in your writing and speaking career, and the healing journey of CCM artist Cheri Keaggy. This and much more in the annual print conference edition of Leading Hearts.
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Prepared for Such a Time as This- Charlene Quint
Racial Reconciliation, Repentance & Restitution-Dr. Sabrina Black
A Prayer When You Feel Defeated-Linda Evans Shepherd
Love Them Little, Love Them Big-Julie Lavender
Arise & Lead-Sharon Tedford
What’s Your Signature Message?-Catherine Finger
Who Are Your Bridges? -Janell Rardon
7 Steps to Improve Your Health -Susan Neal
Navigating Family Life On Your Own-Peggy Sue Wells & Pam Farrel
Cheri Keaggy: A Healing Journey