Reclaim Your Happy Space

by Beth Duewel and Rhonda Rhea in Leading Hearts Magazine

Does your happy ever need a reno?

All of us can sometimes put our happy spaces in weird places. People get caught up, for instance, in the thread count of their sheets. Thread count. If it’s not Egyptian cotton in a thread count impressive enough to require a greater number of stacks of cash in the bank than the count of the threads in the sheets, suddenly that bed is just not a happy place. It’s all about the thread count. The math is not uncomplicated.

The two of us, Beth and Rhonda, maintain that everyone is getting a little too caught up in the thread count, when shouldn’t the crumb count be a bigger deal? We were talking about it the other day and discovered that we don’t really like the idea of snacking in bed—mostly because we don’t like the idea of sheets that are too…how can we put it…exfoliat-ey. But then later we decided the fact that we’re not bed-snackers might actually be more about the other fact that neither of our husbands are big into exfoliation either.


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Words to Inspire You to Spring Forward in the April/May Edition of Leading Hearts.

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We are celebrating the Words that Inspire You to Spring Forward in your Leadership Call in the April/May edition of Leading Hearts. Rhonda Rhea and Beth Duewel will help you RECLAIM Happy (, the “Breakthrough” Movie ( will inspire YOU to embrace the God of Miracles, and music artist PLUMB ( shares her journey to understanding the beauty in brokenness.

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