The Family Compass

It is easy in marriage to drift in different directions, instead, we encourage couples to decide together the direction they want their marriage and family to go. In this way, everyone is pulling in the same direction. For all couples, this is a smart idea, but for couples and families carrying leadership roles, it is imperative we all are working together as one team from the same play book!

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Arise Esther Podcast: Fighting for Faith and Finding your Rest while Parenting a Child with Mental Illness with Kirsten Panachyda

Kirsten Panachyda Kirstin Panachyda is an award-winning Bible teacher and award-winning author. Her most recent book is Among Lions: Fighting for Faith and Finding Your Rest while Parenting a Child…

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Show, Don’t Tell: Helping Children Value Themselves and Others as God’s Image-Bearers

The more we intentionally nurture our relationships with God and each other, the easier it becomes to see ourselves and others through His lens of truth and love. Then, we can celebrate our differences and our sameness as God’s beautifully diverse people.

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7 No-Fail Holiday Stress Hacks plus BONUS British Flapjack Recipe

By Michelle S. Cox @just18summers in Leading Hearts Magazine

The glossy magazine images, the Pinterest ideas and Facebook posts from friends sharing their gorgeous Christmas decor inspire me. 

My planning began. Why, before I was done, my house would look like North Pole Central! My family would have the perfect Christmas, and I would sail through those days with joy and delight.

I tried. Oh, how I tried. But I basically plodded my way through the Christmas season with unrealistic expectations in a fog of exhaustion.


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